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Proiect Pakivale Bukiake Chiba Romanipen

Project Info

Project Description

Pakivale Bukiake Chiba Romanipen as a contribution towards a clear  working  language, in a Europe which  everyone understands 

Part I. Background of the project

  1. Project thematic :

PAKIVALE BUKIAKE CHIBA. The ROMANIPE  ( the culture of the Roma people) as  a contribution towards an appropriate ,clear working  language, in a Europe which  everyone understands

  1. Main Implementers( as on October 2011)

The Educational Center for Social Development, the Cultural Center “O Del Amenca, Fetesti, the Association Pakiv Alba Iulia, ROMANIA

  1. Implementation period:
  • 10 October – 10 December 2011, as a first stage, as contracted with the CNCR- the  Cultural Centre of Roma of Romania   ( a governmental agency)
  • 2012 – 2013. In April 2013 the results of the project will be presented during the “Roma Week” of the World Forum of Cultures, Napoli, Italy.
  1. Implementing countries( as in October 2011)

Romania (Fetesti, Calarasi, Alba Iulia), Italy (Salerno, Napoli ,Lanciano )?

  1. The General Objectives of the project are:
  • Promoting words that have an actual significance in the Romani language that will combat the “wooden language” used in the current practice of the social work, the social development activities  (project language, politics and strategies, parts of the EU language)
  • Producing a Glossary and an Explanatory Memorandum that will try to „translate” the terms used in the organizational language (associations, projects, reunions etc) into terms with alive signification in the Romani language as  spoke by the groups where the projects are developed
  • Clarifying and correcting the senses of some words recently imported from the Anglo-Saxon language used by activists and Roma experts that want to work in local communities where people speak Romani language
  • Familiarizing the Roma people who do not speak Romani and who are involved in projects with words and key notions from the Romani culture , as practiced by the Roma  who live in traditional families and groups.
  • Contribution to a better communication and to solving of some of the obstacles ( or “problmes”) in course of implementation of current activities/projects, such as :projects regarding the education for active citizenship, interculturalism , early childhood education for the children, projects regarding the education of the Roma children, projects that have as main objective professional training, that have in their area of interest the bilingual schools and classes with Romani language as the teaching language

Part II.  Description of beneficiary targeted:

The persons involved in implementing projects and politics – experts that are involved in implementing projects co-financed by the structural funds, politics and other projects.

Part III.

  1. Main activities
  2. Analysis of the documents produced during the implementation of the  program  Pakiv – European Roma Fund  between 2000 – 2011 , from the perspective of the “mission” of this program, including the perspective of elaborating a language and a work methodology based on the key themes of the Romani culture.
  1. Conducting a research with the beneficiaries ( local Roma groups) of the projects implemented by the civic associations which are implementing the current project  PAKIVALE BUKIAKE CHIBA ;and also with the experts working on projects supported with  EU structural funds.
  1. Realizing and writing/publishing a Glossary and an Explicative Memorandum about “Pakivali Chib e Romani” for the use of the civic activists, experts, officers , politicians, cultural operators and others, Roma and non-Roma who intend to work with- and within the local Roma communities.
  1. A critical analysis of the official documents produced by ERRC, by the Council of Europe and, if the case, by the European Union. A report/information will be made to these organizations, including the Committee of Monitoring the Framework Convention regarding the regional and minorities of the Council of Europe.
  1. “Testing” the words and the senses of the words that will be introduced in the Glossary during some of the activities realized by CNCR (the National Center of the Romani Culture) – meetings, exhibitions, cultural festivals, trainings etc).
  1. Testing the words from the Glossary during the campaigns for local elections in 2012, including in this different texts of civic electoral education, in Romani and Romanian language. Messages with electoral contain in favor of a certain political party or candidate will be avoided.
  1. An exercise of writing in Romani language of some of the documents that are requested by the procedures if the European Commission (projects financing).
  1. Contribution/presentation of the results of the project Pakiv and CNCR at one of the meetings of the Group of Romani Studies from the DG Education and Culture of the European Commission.
  1. Summary of the project

Promoting the ROMANIPE as a  contribution towards  an intercultural multi-linguistic work language, in an Europe that everyone understands. Interpreting words and key themes from the Romani language and from the Romanipen, the oral and written culture of some of the Roma groups.

  1. Provisional results
  • A set of words and correct sense of the key-concepts of the Romani language introduced in the usual language of the civic activists, cultural operators, experts and others. Setting up words and expressions from the Roma culture that will have a specific signification in the social development (projects implementation, politics)
  • A Glossary of “working key-words” :  approximately 100 – 300 words  and expressions  which will translate and interpret in the Romani language some  words from the language of the organizations and of the projects, terms from the documents of the European Commission and the European Union.
  • A critical analysis of documents translated and published by ERRC, European Council etc in the Romani language.


Pakiv, is  a word  in Romani language  and a value in Romani culture, or Romanipe , which means  honor, trust, dignity, gentle  and equilibrated behavior.

Romanipen, the whole  and coherent set of values , attitudes, behaviors who are culturally  prescribed and respected by the members of particular Roma groups/kindred  ;  by extension, indicate “the Roma culture” , the culture of the Roma people.

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